There's always something going on at BBEST. We just finished a fun swap with the theme being butterflies, in honor of PQ , who decided to step down as leader to spend more time on her art. Thanks to all that made this our biggest swap ever. Below are some photos of items from the shops that so graciously participated.

Your participation is what makes us the vital, fun team we are. Thanks Boomers!!!!!!
The photo montage is wonderful! Our team has so much talent!
This was a really fun group activity--one in which everyone's creativity really emerged. Thanks to everyone who participated, and thank you, Chauncey, for putting together this colorful collage!
A wonderful tribute to ALL who participated in this great swap which was so much fun to do!
Three cheers to the BBEST Team!!
This twisting swap was tons of fun, looking forward to more swaps. Thanks Six, Chauncey and Joon and of course PQ.
I love swaps! This was a fun one! The photo collage is fabulous! Thanks to everyone. I am so excited to get my necklace from Magdalene Jewels, another Pam! How cool is that?
Chauncey fabulous blog ! The swap was lots of fun.
I love how you managed to get all of the people
who participated in. It is great !
Chaunce, this is a fabulous feature and beautifully done. I KNOW it had to take hours. You have been so gracious taking over Pat's lead and I am proud to be helping you in the little ways I can. This article is a perfect demonstration of the talent, creativity and commitment of the BBEST TEAM on etsy. Go Boomers!
And thanks to all who participated. There is no I in TEAM. :) Hope more of you will join in our future challenges. This one was great fun!
Happy creating and many thanks for all her hard work to our butterfly, Pat!
hahaha~~~when I first looked at the montage ~ I thought ~ "where's the butterflies!?" ...
I had to re-read the blog post~~~ ooooh!!! it's pictures from our shops !!!! dah! another senior moment ...grin ...
great job Chauncey on both the swap (fun-fun-fun) & the awesome montage~~~
thank you !!!!
Wonderful post chauncey! The photo collage is a work of art in itself! My first swap and what fun it has been! Thankyou to our new admins, Chauncey, Six and Joon, for organizing it and taking on their new postions! Your efforts are greatly appreciated! Warm wishes, Di
Great job on the swap, Chauncey, Six and Joon!! It was my first one and I really enjoyed it!!
Chauncey, wonderful blog and REALLY wonderful montage of our teams works of art. Thanks for all your hard work!!
The swap was so fun!! Well done, Six, Chauncey and Joon, and thank you so much for your hard work!! Wonderful post, Chauncey!! Love the collages, they are gorgeous!
The swap was so much fun! Looking forward to more future swaps!
Thanks for including my "Norweigan Wood" Necklace! Can't wait for our next SWAP. A Christmas SWAP would be great - hint, hint!
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