One of the rewards of living in the Midwest is the beauty of the seasonal changes. Spring is such a delight with its flowering trees: the dogwood, redbud, tulip popular, pink and white crabapple, and the fruit trees. In our yard the pear and two apple trees were loaded with gorgeous white blossoms. (Now if they bear fruit, we will be doubly delighted!) The crocus, daffodils, jonquils, and narcissus add color to the awakening earth, and for the first time ever, I have orange and purple pansies in a bed in front of the porch. The Stella d’ Oro lilies are coming up well, and will look beautiful. (Even after the bulbs sat in a plastic bag under a tree the entire winter in 2010, and were only planted in the spring of 2011. I don’t always get things done in a timely manner!) I love spring with all its beauty and displays of color – the lilac bushes with their marvelous fragrance and the forsythia with their bright yellow blossoms. Influenced by the yellows and greens of the jonquils, I searched for items among the creations of the Boomers and Beyond Street Team that reminded me of spring. Here are just a few of the colors of spring.
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